ics stats ICSSERVICE [[-|/]stlevel level]
The detail of the output can be controlled by the [-|/]stlevel option. The option can have the following values:
The output provides the following information:
The following statistics were received:
<ICS:PM PID="8972">
<CFG>c:\Program Files\ics\config\ics.xml</CFG>
<ST>2015.04.26 20:49:39,554</ST>
<CFT>2015.04.26 22:25:23,1176349</CFT>
<PID>10528</PID><ST>2015.04.26 20:49:39,554</ST>
<ICS:WPE><PID>2880</PID><ST>2015.04.26 20:49:39,554</ST></ICS:WPE>
<ICS:WPE><PID>8400</PID><ST>2015.04.26 20:49:39,585</ST></ICS:WPE>
<ICS:WT PID="8400">
<ICS:SM MAX="5" COUNT="3">
<SEA>2015.04.26 22:25:23,1176349</SEA>
<ICS:WT PID="2880">
The first section introduced by the <ICS:PM> tag
<ICS:PM PID="8972">
provides information about the ics process manager which starts and monitors all ics child processes. The PID attribute identifies the operating system process identifier that ics is running with.
<CFG>c:\Program Files\ics\config\ics.xml</CFG>
<ST>2015.04.26 20:49:39,554</ST>
<CFT>2015.04.26 22:25:23,1176349</CFT>
The <ID> tag provides the identifier that ics was started with.
The <CFG> tag provides the main configuration file that ics was started with.
The <SHD> tag indicates whether a shutdown is pending (Y) or not (N).
The <ST> tag provides the start time of the service.
The <CFT> tag provides the last configuration time of the service.
<PID>10528</PID><ST>2015.04.26 20:49:39,554</ST>
The <PID> tag provides the operating system identifier of the ics logger process.
The <ST> tag provides the start time of the logger process.
The NOCFG attribute indicates the number of configured worker processes.
The COUNT attribute indicates the number of current worker processes.
The RESTART attribute indicates the number of restarts.
The <ICS:WPE> tag provides information about each started worker process.
The <PID> tag provides the operating system identifier of the ics worker process.
The <ST> tag provides the start time of the ics worker process.
A list of worker process information is displayed, each worker process being introduced by the <ICS:WT> tag.
<ICS:WT PID="8400">
The PID attribute identifies the operating system process identifier that the ics worker process is running with.
<ICS:SM MAX="5" COUNT="3">
The MAX attribute identifies the maximum number of concurrent sessions that were handled by the worker process.
The COUNT attribute contains the current number of active sessions.
<SEA>2015.04.26 22:25:23,1176349</SEA>
The <SEP> tag identifies the protocol used by the ics session.
The <SER> tag identifies the remote IP address and port that the connection originates from.
The <SEL> tag identifies the listener that the connection was received on.
The <SEA> tag identifies the time of the last activity for this connection.
The <SET> tag identifies the processing time in ms used for the session.
The <SEREQ> tag identifies the number of requests performed by this session.
The <SERC> tag identifies the reads triggered for this session.
The <SEWC> tag identifies the writes triggered for this session.
The <SEER> tag identifies the out of bound triggered for this session.
The <SEI> tag identifies the bytes read by this session.
The <SEO> tag identifies the bytes written by this session.
The <SET> tag identifies the processing time in ms used for all sessions.
The <SEREQ> tag identifies the number of requests performed by all sessions.
The <SERC> tag identifies the reads triggered for all sessions.
The <SEWC> tag identifies the writes triggered for all sessions.
The <SEER> tag identifies the out of bound triggered for all sessions.
The <SEI> tag identifies the bytes read by all sessions.
The <SEO> tag identifies the bytes written by all sessions.
The COUNT attribute identifies the number of threads currently active in the thread pool
It follows a list with detailed information about each worker thread introduced by the <ICS:TW> tag.
The <TS> tag indicates whether the thread is currently waiting for (W) or processing (P) a request.
The <TP> tag indicates the number of tasks processed by this thread.
It follows a section with information regarding the thread processing introduced by the <ICS:TE> tag.
The <TC> tag identifies the number of tasks created.
The <TMAP> tag identifies the maximum processing time in ms for any task.
The <TMIP> tag identifies the minimum processing time in ms for any task.
The <TAVP> tag identifies the average processing time in ms for any task.
The <TMAW> tag identifies the maximum wait time in ms for any task.
The <TMIW> tag identifies the minimum wait time in ms for any task.
The <TAVW> tag identifies the average wait time in ms for any task.
The <QS> tag identifies the size of the notifier queue.
The <MQS> tag identifies the maximum number of tasks in the task queue at any time.
The <QS> tag identifies the size of the notifier queue.
The <MQS> tag identifies the maximum number of tasks in the task queue at any time.