InnoTecSol >ICS >ICS Version: 0.4.8888 Documentation >Batch Daemon extension library
ICS Version: 0.4.8888
Batch Daemon extension library

The batch daemon allows to schedule and execute batch jobs. The batch daemon is provided as a daemonized extension library. It sets up a thread pool with a configurable number of threads that can be utilized to execute background jobs. The batch daemon runs as separate process and exposes its services scheduling and querying interface via a local port.

The client API to schedule jobs is also exposed via the library and can be utilized by other extension libraries in the worker process space.

The batch daemon itself does not expose a batch implementation. This needs to be provided by other extension libraries.

In order to activate the batch daemon extension, the library must be loaded according to extension library configuration.


The batch daemon process is provided as a daemonized extension library.

		<DAEMON ID="2" LIB="batchdmnlib.dll" RUN="batch" PROCESSES="1">
			<CONTROLLER HOST="localhost" PORT="9051" DIR="../data/batchstorage">
				<SYSLOG FILE="../data/batchlog/batch.syslog" APPLCONTEXT="myappl" SERVERCONTEXT="myserver" >
					Execution Interface specific configuration e.g.
					<IAEICS ... >

The CONTROLLER tag specifies the role of the batch daemon (master or slave) and the directory of the batch storage.

The CONTROLLER tag comprises three attributes:

  • HOST
  • PORT
  • DIR


The HOST attribute specifies where the master controller is running. If it is set to localhost the batch daemon runs as master.

Currently only master mode is supported.


The PORT attribute specifies the port that the batch daemon listens on for requests to manage the batch jobs.


The DIR attribute specifies the directory where the batch database is created. In the future other log files might be created, thus it should be seen as a space to store data.

The CONTROLLER tag can have child tags ALLOWFROM which restrict the source of the requests. (currently only master mode is supported which listens on the localhost interface only)

The CONFIG tag specifies the configuration of the master or slave batch daemon.


The THREADS attributes specifies the number of threads that are started in the thread pool.


The SYSLOG child tag configures the logging facility.

The FILE attribute specifies the syslog file that the information about the execution of batch jobs is logged.

The APPLCONTEXT and SERVERCONTEXT attribute specifiy the strings that are written to the respective syslog columns.

The EXECS tag lists the execution interfaces introduced by the EXECIF tag.


The EXECIF tag introduces execution interfaces identified by the unique ID attribute.

The configuration contained is extension library specific.